Which publishes Lost Ark in the West

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I can attest to this personally: Trying to log into Lost Ark Gold online gaming in London on Saturday afternoon I observed that many servers had queues of between 8,000 and 13,000 players, and it took me nearly an hour to sign in. Lucky for me, I had my Triangle Strategy demo to hand.

Developer Smilegate as well as Amazon, which publishes Lost Ark in the West (it has been accessible to players in South Korea since late 2019), have announced plans to create an additional European server region in order to ease the overcrowding. However, the plan is not unpopular with the game's unhappy European players.

"Please remember that this is going to be a different zone (separated from Central Europe) without cross-region playing capabilities," noted the developers. "This is also a sign that features that are available across regions, like the Royal Crystal and Silver balances from Central Europe will not be accessible within the newly created European region. The new area will be ideal for players who have not yet created a character, or don't have a reason to commit to remaining on their current server."

This means that people who've put in considerable time, not gotten rewards or have established communities in the game will not benefit from the new server region (beyond having fewer new players attempting to create accounts on servers). For Lost Ark, you cannot transfer characters from one server to another or transfer resources between servers. While some assets and resources are shared across servers, nothing could be transferred between players or characters in different server regions.

Smilegate and Amazon insisted that a the creation of a new region for servers was the only viable solution. "Due to the game's architecture it is the sole solution to Buy Lost Ark Power leveling allow more players from Europe," they said in their statement.
